Sunday we decided to skip church and go to the zoo with them. we don't feel bad cause we hadn't seen them for almost a year. Charles and Juniper loved the snakes, lizards and crocidiles for some reason. They definitley didn't get thaat from the Rogers side. i got some really cute pics of both of them. hopefully i can remember to bring my camera to work so i can post them. monday Becca had to work so i cleaned the apartment waiting for Ned & Kristy's fam to come for the small BBQ we had at a park near my aparment in Midvale. it was fun except for the desert melted. oh well.
Becca is really enjoying her school. The only thing is she is very tired cause she works from 6:30 AM to 2:30 PM and then goes to school from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. down in American Fork. She catches trax home from work, hurry and changes and then takes three different buses to get down there. I guess that is what we get for only having one car. well i can't think of anything else so see ya.
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